Nagalim . NL
Naga International Support Center
Naga's in India
Naga Organizations
The Naga
Naga Organizations

  • NNC - Naga National Council (nationalist organization: 1946 to 1959, became the NFC)
  • NFG - Naga Federal Government (indigenous independent government of Nagaland: est. 1956)
  • NNO - Naga Nationalist Organization (body which favored statehood within the Indian Union: est. 1964, after its establishment, it formed the state government)
  • UDF - United Front of Nagaland (pro-NFG state party)
  • NPC - Naga Peoples's Convention (body which negotiated with India for statehood within the Union: est. 1957)
  • NSCN - National Socialist Council of Nagaland ( Naga organization formed in 1980). The NSCN wants a separate souvereign state that will include parts of Assam and Manipur as well as Nagaland.
  • NPMHR - Naga People's Movement for Human Rights
  • NSF - Naga Students Federation
  • VC - Village council
